Occupational Tests

PPS Personality Assessment
This is a general-purpose personality questionnaire. The PPS assesses across a number of personality traits and gives thorough insight to an individual’s tendencies and preferences.
You will require a Username and Password to login to this test.
Please Click Here and complete the ‘contact us’ form for more information.
Mental Ability Test
This general purpose, timed mental ability test is useful for gauging problem solving ability and logical thought processes.
You will require a Username and Password to login to this test.
Please Click Here and complete the ‘contact us’ form for more information.
Numerical Ability Test
This is a basic timed numerical skills test which will give a general assessment of most basic mathematical concepts.
You will require a Username and Password to login to this test.
Please Click Here and complete the ‘contact us’ form for more information.
Accuracy Test
This is a timed test which will give a general assessment of how accurate you are at spotting errors in most forms, documents or numerical data.
You will require a Username and Password to login to this test.
Please Click Here and complete the ‘contact us’ form for more information.
Use of Words Test
This test assesses the use of words and the breadth of vocabulary. It is designed to test the candidate’s range of word usage under time pressure. You will require a Username and Password to login to this test.
Please Click Here and complete the ‘contact us’ form for more information.
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